A quick reminder that the network maintenance previously notified here http://status.fido.net/2013/01/31/lonap-maintenance-advanced-notice-feb-12th-13th/ Will be starting at 23:00 tonight. During this time you may find some disruption to connectivity as routes reconverge
Author: jon
CoLocation Centres, Hosting, Latest
DDoS causing temporary network issues
by jon • • 0 Comments
Tonight we have seen another concerted DDoS attempt with over 6 Gigabit of traffic periodically destined for specific hosts on our network. We have worked to minimise the impact of these attacks and where appropriate installed blackhole routes and/or re-routed traffic to less congested ports. As a result some website access may have been…
Hosting, Latest
ALL Clear: Telehouse <-> DBC
by jon • • 0 Comments
Following on from an emergency hardware replacement at THN connections to our DBC site should now be live again. Customers may have noticed partial or total routing loss for a period during this emergency maintenance, and we are investigating why the redundant links were not as effective as they should have been, although we…
CoLocation Centres, Hosting, Latest, London 2 (TFM120 - Telehouse West), London 3 (TFM3 - Telehouse North)
AT RISK: Telehouse to DBC Link
by jon • • 0 Comments
Engineers are currently investigating a problem with the fabric between Telehouse and our DBC site in London Docklands. There appears to be a fault with one of the redundant switches, and this has been removed temporarily while engineers investigate further. During this emergency maintenance the network is at risk should the redundant connection also…
LoNAP Maintenance – advanced notice – Feb 12th & 13th
by jon • • 0 Comments
We have received a notification that during the nights of Feb 12th and Feb 13th, LoNAP will be performing maintenance to expand the capability of their peering exchange. During this period we can expect some instability and routing issues to peers accessed via the LoNAP exchange. FidoNet will do everything possible to minimise…
SMTP/TLS Authentication issues
by jon • • 1 Comment
We are aware of some reports of issues authenticating using TLS over SMTP since the installation of new SSL certificates on our mail servers overnight. We have taken this issue up with Comodo as a matter of urgency (the reason appears to be a problem verifying the trust chain) and we hope to have…
Hosting, Latest
SSL Certificate Updates
by jon • • 0 Comments
We have today updated the Wildcard SSL certificates on servers in the fido.net and server.fido.net domains As a result you may be prompted to confirm a change in the recorded SSL certificate you have stored in your caches. This is entirely normal and you should accept the new certificate if prompted. If we have…
MBORC Update 27.12.2012
by jon • • 0 Comments

MBORC declaration and Service update This MBORC declaration and Service update is issued as a special alert to all Openreach customers due to the continuing severe weather experienced over the past few days On 24 December 2012, we declared MBORC for repair activities on 12 areas of the UK in addition to 6 areas already declared…
24.12.2012 MBORC declaration
by jon • • 0 Comments
CoLocation Centres
PCS6 Cloud 6 Reboot
by jon • • 0 Comments
We are investigating the cause of a service failure with the new PCS6 Cloud 6 Front end. A number of VMs have shut down, and we are investigating the cause of the failure currently Update – the problem has been identified and resolved. This issue should not happen again. Background: 09:45 an auto…