Fido.Net Status Updates

Fiber Maintenance

Apologies for the short notice. We will be moving all connections across to a new fiber backbone at 10am on Saturday 17th March 2012. The work should be seamless however DSL connections will drop briefly but should all auto reconnect within a few seconds. With the introduction of the new fiber links we have shorter…

Broadband Maintenance

We will be loading a new code release on the Broadband Network Servers at midnight tonight. This new code provides additional support for enhanced services we have recently launched including Bonding. Connections should drop briefly as they are moved to backup servers during the reboot process

Emergency Maintenance: Cloud Clusters 2 & 6

This evening we detected a faulty power relay feeding cloud clusters 2 and 6. The fault was resulting in disconnects and unexpected reboots on both clusters. Engineers were despatched and the faulty relay replaced at approximately 23:30 during which time both clusters may have become inaccessible briefly. Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this unplanned…

Fido Cloud Maintenance (Cluster 6)

Cluster 6 has undergone another disk reset, almost exactly a month after the last outage. We are continuing to investigate this issue and in the mean time are resetting the cluster controller. We anticipate normal service to be resumed within 15 minutes. UPDATE Famous last words. During the reboot an inconsistency has been detected and…

At Risk – Router Failure

At approximately 15:30 today a 3rd party engineer installing additional fibre to one of our core racks in Telehouse North accidentally caused the power to one of our core routers to be lost. This problem was identified quickly and power was restored, however the power spike caused by the failure seems to have resulted in…

Maintenance: Network Upgrades – 1st March

We will be performing reboots of our border router and associated switches in TeleHouse Thursday 1st March between 01:00 and 03:00 in order to upgrade fiber modules and available memory in each device. During this maintenance there will be a brief outage to the network and connected customers. Customers with redundant feeds and dual connections…