Fido.Net Status Updates

vps2 failure

We are aware of issues with the Fido Control Panel ( and some customers with virtual machines hosted on the vpsh2 farm.   We are working to resolve these issues currently and hope to have normal service restored within the next hour following a controller restart. Please accept our apologise for the inconvenience caused by…

MBORC Update 19th October 2012

MBORC update    This brief is to provide Openreach customers with an update on Openreach MBORC status as at Friday 19 October 2012  MBORC lifted in 4 SOM areas/patches Following the MBORC update last Friday, 12 October 2012, where we were able to lift MBORC on 11 SOM areas/patches leaving 14 areas still subjected to MBORC, we are…

web-12 maintenance

We are experiencing some technical difficulties with web-12 and several of the libraries on the server including PHP This appears to be as the result of a customer account which was exploited earlier this afternoon (and was quickly spotted).   While we repair and reinstall this server customers may experience some down time / issues…

vpsh6 kernel panic

vpsh6 has experienced a kernel panic at approximately 21:30 this evening   Engineers are currently investigating the fault and working on resolving the issues as quickly as possible. UPDATE We have recovered the server and are working on repairing the attached storage. A kernel update is in the process of being applied which should resolve…

MBORC Update

MBORC update and further declarations   MBORC lifted from one SOM area in the South and declared in four further locations in the North of England and Scotland – 17 of 73 total SOM areas now affected We are committed to keeping MBORC declarations in place for as short a period as possible and to reviewing…

web-11 maintenance

Engineers will be performing emergency maintenance on the server web-11 to resolve issues with the email queues on this server between 10pm and 1am tonight. During this time local delivery of emails may be delayed as engineers upgrade certain components to clear a problem with the system autoresponder module. No mail will be lost during…

Openreach Severe Weather Update

Severe weather update October 2012 01 October 2012 Openreach (OR) have provided an update due to the severe weather conditions; this is likely to increase call volumes and impact handling times. The following update (week ending 28th September) is a direct communication from OR. “At 09.00 today we issued a MBORC (Matters Beyond Our Reasonable Control) declaration…

Virtuozzo Patches

A number of security updates have been released for Virtuozzo recently and we are in the process of applying these to the various nodes in the cloud cluster. Due to the nature of some of the updates a reboot is required of certain controller nodes. These reboots should not impact production nodes, however during the…

THN Routing Outage 27-07-2012

Routing issues between 19:00 and 20:05 BST – 27 Jul 2012 We are currently investigating the causes of a failure in THN which affected a number of customers who are routed through this node. Initial investigations point to a Cisco switch which experienced a failure and we believe caused a cascade of CEF table pollution…