We are aware of some reports of issues authenticating using TLS over SMTP since the installation of new SSL certificates on our mail servers overnight. We have taken this issue up with Comodo as a matter of urgency (the reason appears to be a problem verifying the trust chain) and we hope to have…
Hosting, Latest
SSL Certificate Updates
by jon • • 0 Comments
We have today updated the Wildcard SSL certificates on servers in the fido.net and server.fido.net domains As a result you may be prompted to confirm a change in the recorded SSL certificate you have stored in your caches. This is entirely normal and you should accept the new certificate if prompted. If we have…
MBORC Update 27.12.2012
by jon • • 0 Comments

MBORC declaration and Service update This MBORC declaration and Service update is issued as a special alert to all Openreach customers due to the continuing severe weather experienced over the past few days On 24 December 2012, we declared MBORC for repair activities on 12 areas of the UK in addition to 6 areas already declared…
24.12.2012 MBORC declaration
by jon • • 0 Comments
CoLocation Centres
PCS6 Cloud 6 Reboot
by jon • • 0 Comments
We are investigating the cause of a service failure with the new PCS6 Cloud 6 Front end. A number of VMs have shut down, and we are investigating the cause of the failure currently Update – the problem has been identified and resolved. This issue should not happen again. Background: 09:45 an auto…
web-11 pop/imap authentication issues
by jon • • 0 Comments
We are aware of intermittent problems accessing emails on web-11 currently and engineers are working on resolving this problem urgently. More information will be posted shortly We are currently rebooting web-11 to install an updated kernel as we believe the issue is related to a load related bug in the kernel. The server…
Hosting, Planned Maintenance
Cloud Platform Upgrades
by jon • • 1 Comment
We will be performing a number of upgrades to our Cloud platform in our regular Friday night maintenance slot on 30th November 2012. Customers with VPS servers will notice a brief (less than 10 second) outage whilst their servers are migrated to the new platform which involves a reboot. The new platform boasts faster CPUs…
CoLocation Centres
Cloud Storage Maintenance
by jon • • 0 Comments
Following investigations into reports of problems with servers mounting the vpsh2 cloud storage service we have identified anomalies in the file system which require a Reboot and disk scan. Owing to the urgency of the potential error if left unchecked we are planning on performing this maintenance overnight starting at 1am. Sites using this storage…
Bulletin Board, CoLocation Centres
vpsh1 disk failure
by jon • • 0 Comments
vpsh1 has experience a failure in one of its raid storage arrays. No data has been lost however the server is operating on a degraded level until the faulty unit can finish healing itself. In order to reduce the load on this server so that it can repair the array more effectively we are…
MBORC Update
by jon • • 0 Comments

Service and MBORC update This briefing is to provide Openreach customers with an update on the current service situation. This briefing also serves as early notification of the next Service update call, due to be held on Thursday 15 November 2012. This week has seen us make good progress against our recovery plan, and once…