We have today updated the Wildcard SSL certificates on servers in the fido.net and server.fido.net domains As a result you may be prompted to confirm a change in the recorded SSL certificate you have stored in your caches. This is entirely normal and you should accept the new certificate if prompted. If we have…
Category: Hosting
web-11 pop/imap authentication issues
by jon • • 0 Comments
We are aware of intermittent problems accessing emails on web-11 currently and engineers are working on resolving this problem urgently. More information will be posted shortly We are currently rebooting web-11 to install an updated kernel as we believe the issue is related to a load related bug in the kernel. The server…
Hosting, Planned Maintenance
Cloud Platform Upgrades
by jon • • 1 Comment
We will be performing a number of upgrades to our Cloud platform in our regular Friday night maintenance slot on 30th November 2012. Customers with VPS servers will notice a brief (less than 10 second) outage whilst their servers are migrated to the new platform which involves a reboot. The new platform boasts faster CPUs…
CoLocation Centres, Hosting, London 2 (TFM120 - Telehouse West)
by jon • • 0 Comments
web-12 is experiencing some difficulties / file system errors. We have taken the node offline temporarily for emergency maintenance in order to attempt to resolve these issues. We hope to bring the server back online following emergency maintenance
web-12 maintenance
by jon • • 0 Comments
We are experiencing some technical difficulties with web-12 and several of the libraries on the server including PHP This appears to be as the result of a customer account which was exploited earlier this afternoon (and was quickly spotted). While we repair and reinstall this server customers may experience some down time / issues…
web-11 maintenance
by jon • • 0 Comments
Engineers will be performing emergency maintenance on the server web-11 to resolve issues with the email queues on this server between 10pm and 1am tonight. During this time local delivery of emails may be delayed as engineers upgrade certain components to clear a problem with the system autoresponder module. No mail will be lost during…
Bulletin Board, Hosting
Virtuozzo Patches
by jon • • 0 Comments
A number of security updates have been released for Virtuozzo recently and we are in the process of applying these to the various nodes in the cloud cluster. Due to the nature of some of the updates a reboot is required of certain controller nodes. These reboots should not impact production nodes, however during the…
THN Routing Outage 27-07-2012
by jon • • 0 Comments
Routing issues between 19:00 and 20:05 BST – 27 Jul 2012 We are currently investigating the causes of a failure in THN which affected a number of customers who are routed through this node. Initial investigations point to a Cisco switch which experienced a failure and we believe caused a cascade of CEF table pollution…
Hosting, Latest, Planned Maintenance
BT Service Protection Period
by jon • • 0 Comments
BT will be introducing a Service Protection Period beginning 18 days before the Olympics opening ceremony from 9th July through to 12th August 2012 and then between 27th August and 9th September 2012. During this period there will be targeted restrictions on large scale changes on their core IT and network services. The Service Protection…
Hosting, Latest
Control Panel Upgrades
by jon • • 0 Comments

We are in the process of rolling out a number of new features and a new look/feel to the Fido Control Panel. The updates should make the whole end user experience that little bit easier, with more understandable menu structures, easier to find functions as well as the addition of a number of new features…